Saturday, July 28, 2007

Turkish Elections

Ah, what a stressful election period it was... Chaos, huge protests, big meetings, military ultimatums, commercials warning people about the "danger"... It was a '1984' air all over Turkey...

And now the election is finally over! What a relief!

There is a scene I love in my all-time favorite Anthony Queen movie "The Message". After so much insult, injustice and suffering; years later, the people in Medina come back to Mecca with a huge army. People get scared that this comeback will rightfully cause a lot of killing and burning houses in revenge just as they, once, did to them. But, the old-Meccans come back to Mecca peacefully, in much greater numbers, not shedding a drop of blood and as a result, the others in Mecca have their ruth-awakening! They realize how their ruthless cruelty had made them so blind to the truth. And here comes my favorite scene of Hint and her husband looking at the army from a hill top far away and saying to themselves sadly, "We have been so wrong."

What reminded me of this scene was the speech the Turkish prime minister made after his great victory over the elections, assuring the people who haven't voted for them that they respected their opinions as well and those people should have nothing to fear about their future and it was that richness of Turkey that they wanted to protect.

Some in Turkey were so blind with their imaginative "danger" and so deluded with their own exaggerated thoughts and their numbers in protests that they were not able to see that no matter how loud, they were very little in number... and the prime minister respected their opinions even then. They just didn't want to hear. Now, they look at the election results from the top of their hills and say what Hint said: "We have been so wrong."

There is nothing more to say!

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